memento mori.
Sad emo
JoinedPosts by Sad emo
Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit ...
by compound complex infrom shakespeare's hamlet, 1603:.
lord polonius .
this business is well ended.. my liege, and madam, to expostulate.
Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit ...
by compound complex infrom shakespeare's hamlet, 1603:.
lord polonius .
this business is well ended.. my liege, and madam, to expostulate.
Sad emo
Look behind you; remember you are but a man...
by compound complex indear friends,.
much of what we do on a daily basis is routine and of no particular, earth-shaking importance.
however, after reviewing letters of family going back to wwii, it is fascinating to read what dad was doing on board the aircraft carrier in the pacific on any old day, what mom was cooking on her ever-steaming range, how i was dealing with the roller coaster of emotion at bethel [mom saved all my letters], how nana wrote that she would not study with the witnesses [per my request] but 'here are some mittens i knitted for you when you canvass new york with your magazines.
Sad emo
dear diary
I'm down at the moment. If I could describe it in weather terms, it's very overcast with occasional breaks of sunshine peeking through.
Remembering a Garfield cartoon I once saw...
I'm down, down, down...
comma comma down dooby do down down...
always raises a smile when I remember that cartoon!
I've been filling out forms all day long - job applications, benefit applications, still more to do yet and I'm frazzled. I've registered with an agency today who seem pretty confident that they have at least one vacancy I could fill so they're sending my cv to the employer - the one cheering part to my day.
My cough is back with a vengeance. I'll give it another clout of medicine to try clear it. If it doesn't go away I guess I'll see the doc.
Suppose the sooner I do these remaining forms, the better I'll feel. I just can't face any more.
by Rapunzel inplease stop shouting; it hurts my ears.
by the way, i've been thinking of the so-called "liar's paradox.
" you know the one where the cretan [the man from crete] states: "all cretans are liars.
Sad emo
New Here
by *Incubus inhi guys,i appreciate the welcome you extended my little sister(firefox).ive been out for 10+ years but still like reinforcing my lack of faith in all that is dub related..... .
i havent heard from my sister in a few days,im a bit worried shes getting pressure about her hopefully shes still reading....
Sad emo
Welcome Incubus!
It's a bit quiet at the mo cos the boards been down for a few hours.
Everyone will turn up eventually - enjoy the paeace while it lasts!!
My home Town
by Peppermint inthere was a time when i understood where i came from.
most people from my hometown would have similar goals and aspirations.
it has always been diverse and welcoming to outsiders, but now i feel like the outsider and not particularly welcome myself.
Sad emo
We have agreement then! I take a country's aspirations and goals to be in broad terms - such as prosperity, peace (sorry - I did switch them round lol!), upholding of basic human rights etc. I can't imagine anyone moving to another country and not wanting to share in things like these - but sadly it does happen
Can't speak for peppermint but I suspect that's what she meant too
"Real one" threatens athiests with Jugement Day! Why do Christians do this?
by Witness 007 in"real one" is a christian on this site and gets involved in many debates with athiests.
on my thread "jesus was just a man" he said:"non-beleivers will see jesus one day and you will not be happy.
" on my trinity thread:".....oh his {gods} existence is established.
Sad emo
Now as for you so called 'moderate' Christians. You're the one who scare me. It's you who have the greatest effect on the largest amount of people because - unlike realone - your message is couched in the language of love, tolerance and respect. Problem is it's no less fallacious and misleading for all of that.
Christianity is a lie plain and simple. The versions of the lie promulgated by extremists like realone are easily perceived for what they are - it is the unwitting lie of the polite and moderate believer that is more easily swallowed and therein lies the danger.
nic' herein lies the problem - define 'Christianity'!!
To me, a Christian is someone who puts their faith in the teachings of someone called Jesus - whether he's historical or not, regardless of definitions of his nature etc - and chooses to follow what he taught - which essentially is love, tolerance and respect. That's it.
So which bit of Christianity then, is a lie?
Some really deep and searching questions for you now, no need to answer them on here. But I would ask that you do spend time letting them sink in and think about them.
Could it possibly be that you're not comfortable with the fact that someone (either a god or other people) could actually love you in spite of all your faults and failings? That you'd rather be punished for them? That anyone with a message which contains the slightest hint of grace (unearned, undeserved kindness - forgiveness and acceptance just as you are) repulses you because that's not fair, you don't deserve anything, you prefer the full measure of justice? Because you spent years as a JW believing you don't deserve anything good? Could it be that because of this you're drawn more to a message of judgement without mercy?
"The beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair..." Relient K
RENAII had a baby girl 7lb 9ozs yay
by chikikie inhi just to let everyone know my sister becky had a baby girl this morning, via c-section, thankfully no blood transfusion needed, so no difficult choice there altho i did say if she needed it, she better bloody well have it, its more of a sin to leave your children motherless than submit to a law which may or may not be inspired of god.. i dunno name maybe elizabeth, who knows, she has been known to change her mind!!!.
mother and baby doing well..
"Real one" threatens athiests with Jugement Day! Why do Christians do this?
by Witness 007 in"real one" is a christian on this site and gets involved in many debates with athiests.
on my thread "jesus was just a man" he said:"non-beleivers will see jesus one day and you will not be happy.
" on my trinity thread:".....oh his {gods} existence is established.
Sad emo
Dammit - just to lighten the mood:
WARNING - some explicit lyrics. Also may offend judgemental Christians, non-judgemental Christians, cultists, Buddhists, atheists, evolutionists etc etc etc
emo's having a beer
Is Customer Service/Common Courtesy a dinosaur ?
by AK - Jeff ini have lamented for a long while about the lack of customer care in our area.
fast food restaurants have taken the fast food out it while the price keeps moving up.
service stations no longer exist - replaced by self fuel bays in front of a so called 'convenience store' - and typically manned by a grumpy cashier.
Sad emo
hope you were able to watch the food chain while you waiting for the replacement.....some pretty weird stuff can happen to complaining customers food.(even if their complaints are viable)
The reason why I daren't use our local KFC any more!